Scholarship Program
KJ's Barber & Hair Creationz believes in our youth achieving more in higher education. Therefore, KJ's has partnered with a non profit organization name CanRoz Foundation to help assist in making this a reality. It has been said that your local barbershop serves as a pillar for the community in which they're located and for that reason we want to be a support to our community in any helping capacity as possible. KJ's is not just talking but are putting forth action and has been doing so since KJ's came into existence in 2003. Some of the things that KJ's does for their clients and local schools around the area are providing students with two paid for prom tickets, every year giving away scholarships for college, any student with a G.P.A of a 3.0 receives a discount off their cut, and also insside the shop if a student read to a barber he or she receives reduced price off their service.

Who Benefits
If you are a client of KJ's Barbershop you will benefit with the discount prices for your services as long as you meet the criteria. Prom tickets are given away based upon the local high school that KJ's work with within that school year. Scholarships are for anyone that applies that has a cumulative G.P.A of 2.83 or better and are between the ages of sixteen - twenty five. In addition, all applicants must be on their way to college of their choice for the first time. It does not have to be barber college, but any college or trade school that's desired.

The Competition
There's really no competition as everyone that apply will be awarded a scholarship. However, depending on the heart felt essays, amount of effort put forth, letters of recommendation and etc... can affect the monetary amount each one receives. All applicants will write a 400 word essay stating why he or she wants to go to college, what they plan on majoring in and, how them becoming what they want to become will benefit the community or the world. The amount of money KJ's raise will determine how many scholarships and amounts that's able to be dispersed for that particular year. Remember, everyone that tries is already a winner, but if you don’t try, you already lost. To learn how to enroll, please contact us at kjsbarbershop@gmail.com or call 1-844-KJS-CUTS for inquiries.

Above are our Scholarship Recipients from 2010 - 2019.
You too can become a recipient, remember every bit helps.